About the Santa Fe Historical Society

Superintendent's Car 405

The 405 was built by Pullman in December, 1926, in a lot that included 404-407. Much of its time was spent on the Western and Colorado Division with it being stationed at LaJunta, CO, for many years. In 1968 it was sold to the Texas Tank Works and then came into private hands in Temple, TX. It now is at the Arizona State Railroad Museum for restoration.

Kenny Rhoads has been following this car and sends the following report:

June 10, 2008:
Most of the work to the 405, since the last report, is the continuation of cleaning the interior of the car from the fire. Most of the rooms, other than the bedroom A, have been cleaned of the smoke damage and the all of the furniture through out the car has been cleaned and is in very good shape. The dining room buffet has been cleaned and repaired with new glass. Even the fan works. There was damage to the dining room table and it has been repaired and cleaned. The hallway is being cleaned with special attention to the area near bed room A which has heat damage. Jane Barton has spent many hours restoring the kitchen and has it ready for meal preparations.

Water is being restored to the car, however as one leak is repaired, we find a new one. This will continue until all leaks are accounted for.
We have a passenger car electrical expert from SoCal (Rudy Morgenfruh) arriving at the end of June for a few days. He will be looking at the AC in one of our diners and the 405. He will also advise us on the fire damaged wiring in the 405.

Some decisions regarding the painting and glass replacement of the car has been made although not set in stone. After sand blasting, the exterior will most likely be Santa Fe green with Solex green double pane glass. The roof will be silver. These options are due mostly from the Arizona temperatures which are now in the 100s by noon.

We are continuing to attain as much data, specs, and car information from as many sources as we can. All help along these lines will be greatly appreciated.

We are also trying to locate a few items that have been removed from the car or have been damaged beyond repair such as the nice little (pop out) light fixtures, lamp glass shades and a replacement dresser for bed room A which is well beyond repair due to the fire.

June 16, 2008:
As we have been trying to locate and track down as much history of the 405 that we can, some news regarding the fire came to us by way of  ARM volunteer and good friend Dave Greenberg of Phoenix.

The fire was reported to have occurred on Feb, 15th of 2000 at 11;18 AM There were three teen seen leaving the area shortly after the fire began and were questioned by authorities. These same three had been questioned a month earlier for trespassing aboard the car by Temple Police. There were three back packs found aboard the car but with no ID. No charges were filed due to lack of evidence.

Mary Irving replied: Just so you have the museum input, which is not as official as what you already got, Lewis Perry still owned the car and was plagued with breakins. They also continued non-stop after the car was donated to the museum. We replaced locks, hinges, wood on windows, etc. over and over. He intentionally kept the exterior looking badly so people were less likely to break in to steal stuff. Didn't work obviously.

Photos taken in Temple after a fire.
Kenny Rhodes' photos in transit to the Arizona State Railroad Museum.
Kenny Rhodes' photos at the Arizona State Railroad Museum.
Kenny Rhodes' photos of the restoration.

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