has been a lot of discussion on the internet concerning the trucks used by the
ATSF. Below are photos of the Walthers Trucks with some comments. Some modelers
have been exchanging trucks based on their era.

truck was provided on the Budd Baggage car, Budd RPO, and the 46 seat coach.
Fiscella reports, "41-CS-11(CIB) were the "original equipment"
trucks (on the Pine sleepers). They were upgraded, probably in the late
50's or 60's, to 41-CDO-11(CIB), outside-swing hanger trucks, on most Pine-series
10-6 cars."

This truck
was supplied on the 6-6-4 and 4-4-2 PS sleepers.

A third truck
has been produced by Walthers and is on the Santa Fe Pine cars as released
in January, 2004. The trucks "have a plain equalizer, which would be correct
for the obs, diner, and dorm Super Chief cars Walthers will be doing" (John