The 2002 release Walthers Budd
Baggage product number 6504 is a model of ATSF 3500-3539 (Budd, 1953), 3540-3554
(Budd 1957), and 3650-59 (Budd, 1953). These were used in general service on the
principle streamlined trains. Most of these went to Amtrak November 1, 1971. The
Walthers kit includes number decals for the 3540-3554 series only. However, any
of these above numbers would be accurate. The 3650-3659 Baggage-Messenger group
is also apparently identical externally except for the addition of two water drains
from the sink and water cooler, a waste shute for the toilet and a messenger star
on the side (Tom Cockle).
Andy Sperandeo
reports: "I'll identify it positively as being a Santa Fe 3540 series car.
These were built by Budd in 1957 featuring the flat "crash" panels on
either side of the doors, where fluting tended to be dented by baggage carts,
and numbered 3540 through 3554. Originally they had skirts but most, though perhaps
not all, had the skirts removed in the 1960s. The Walthers car has a different
type of truck and the truck wheelbase is too short - 8 feet instead of 9 - and
there are other underbody differences. The body, however, appears to be a good
representation of the Santa Fe prototype."
has announced the release of another version of this car, sans skirts, in late
How well do these cars shape up?
The attached photos are of the car straight out of the box. The metal grabs have
not yet been added.

Click any of the above for enlargements.
further information, see the Common Traits
Prototype photos (Click for enlargements):