The 2002 release Walthers Budd RPO 6445 is a model
of ATSF 89-98 (Budd, 1954). They were 63' cars with 60' RPO areas and were used
in general service. Most of these went to Mexico after the
formation of Amtrak. How well do these cars shape up? The attached photos are
of the car straight out of the box. The metal grabs have not yet been added. 

Click any of the above for enlargements.
early packages were short some of the wire grabs. Contact Walthers for securing
these. For further information,
see the Common Traits page. Prototype
photos (Click for enlargements):
| #89
at Los Angeles in 1962. Shown with 41CNS-II trucks. Robert Loewing photo, Dennis
J. Kogan collection, from Ellington & Shine, Head End Cars. |
| #91
at Los Angeles in 1963 with full skirt. Joe Shine photo from Ellington & Shine,
Head End Cars. | | #92
with full skirts and 41CDO-II trucks. Robert Loewing photo,
Dennis J. Kogan collection, from Ellington & Shine, Head End Cars.
| Photos and drawing from Head End
Cars, by Frank M. Ellington and Joe W. Shine, published by the Santa Fe Railway
Historical and Modeling Society, 1999, unless noted otherwise. The
September/October 1984 Santa Fe Modeler had excellent drawings of these
cars. Also see the prototype in The Passenger Car Library,
Volume 5, Santa Fe / Southern Pacific, by W. David Randall, RPC Publications,
2002. |