single road number
scroll to and click on desired road number
roster displays a road number on a single page |
Repaint information will be updated as accurately-dated photographs are reported to me.
If you have accurate, non-speculative information to contribute to advance the precision of this roster, you may contact me at
Please note that layout of these roster pages in no way intends to imply any of the individual engines were
lashed together as a unit. Though road numbers might read as,
e.g., 430LAB, the roster is meant to provide
information on the three engines 430L, 430A, and 430B individually, whether or not they were ever lashed
together. The best way to view these roster pages is to read down the columns.
paint schemes |
BCVT1 paint |
Blue and Cream yellow with full-length Vermillion Trim,
black roof and pilot, catwhiskers nose herald
all units, except
167LABC, delivered in
this paint
BCVT2 paint |
Blue and Cream yellow with Vermillion Trim from FTA
nose backward to cab doors; no vermillion trim on FTB;
cat-whiskers nose herald
repaints begin after Dec50 |
BCNT paint |
Blue and Cream yellow with No vermillion Trim; cat-
whiskers nose herald
SBCB paint |
Solid Blue paint, yellow vertical nose stripe; CigarBand
nose herald
repaint spec issued
Aug51; known SBCB
paint between Apr51
through Dec53
SRW paint |
Silver and Red Warbonnet, yellow vertical nose stripe;
cigarband nose herald
BYT1 paint |
Blue with chrome Yellow Trim, yellow vertical nose
stripe; cigarband nose herald
repaints begin Oct53 |
BYTCW paint |
Blue with chrome Yellow Trim; CatWhiskers nose
while some F7As were
painted in this scheme,
it is uncertain if any
FTAs were so painted