Fr. Herman Page, Editor,
Topeka Chapter, NRHS
This material will give some information about
what types of heavyweight Pullman cars were built for Santa Fe
service, assigned by the Pullman Company, and later owned by the
Santa Fe. In the second part, I will give some suggestions on
modeling Pullmans used on ATSF, and indicate where plans and parts
may be obtained.
Prior to the break-up of the Pullman Company's
fleet after World War II, all heavyweight sleepers and sleeper-lounge
cars were owned by Pullman, and many lots were built by Pullman
for assignment to specific trains or specific service. Wayner's
Complete Roster of Heavyweight Pullman Cars, Wayner Publications,
1985, lists various groups of cars built for specific assignment
to Santa Fe service (page references to Wayner's book follow each
lot, except for a couple referring to William Kratville's, Passenger
Car Catalog, published in 1968). Car names are given for each
plan used on ATSF, to enable modelers to know what names they
might use on their cars.
12 section 1 drawing room: Plan 2410B, Lot 4293,
blt 10-14 for ATSF service: 5 cars: Bazantah, Chetopa, Kansana,
Omesia, Pautonga. (p. 30)
10 section observation lounge: Plan 2521, Lot
4202, blt 10-13, for California Ltd: 10 cars: El Arellan,
El Cibola, El Diaz, El Jaramillo, El Maldonado, El moscoso, El
narvaez, El Onate, Elquivira, El Ulloa. (p. 93) Same series,
plan 2521, Lot 4292, blt 9-14 for ATSF service: 10 cars: Ash
Fork, Casa Blanca, Fort Madison, Grand Canyon, La Junta, La Plata,
San Diego, Santa Fe, Santa Rita (p. 93).
10 section, 1 drawing room, 2 compartment: Plan
2585B, Lot 4201, 30 cars, blt 8-13, for California Ltd:
Calzona, Chanute, Cheraw, Daggett, Escalon, Escondido, Gerlane,
Lashmet, Lecompton, Lometa, Ludlow, Manzanola, Matagorda (this
car survives in Wichita Falls TX Museum) , Mesquite, Montoya,
Nardin, Navasota, Nepesta, Ochelata, Paquita, Pedernal, Planada,
Portales, Querino, Sublette, Timpas, Waynoka, Wildomar, Windom,
Wiseburn. (page 102). Plan 2585D, Lot 4648, blt 11-22 for
ATSF service: "Cape..." series: Alava, Arago,
Ferreol, Furtunas, Kiwanda, Lookout, Meares, Romano, Sable, San
Blas. (page 107). Plan 3585, Lot 4728, blt 12-23, 12 cars
for ATSF service: "Lake....." series: Bonaparte,
Buttum, Gardner, Huron, Joe, Kegonsa, Martha, Michigan, Minnetonka,
Owen, Sunapee, Traverse. (page 161). Plan 3585A, Lot 4933,
blt 12-25, 10 cars for California Ltd: "Lake...."
series: Moore, Nicaragua, Pickett, Pierce, Roland, Union, White,
Whitney, Winnipeg, Yukon. (page 164). Plan 3585B, Lot 6123,
blt 11-17, 10 cars for ATSF: ".....Lake" series:
Dean, Dell, Echo, Fern, Laval, Lone, Moose, Spear (later
M/W 194087) Star, Swan (later M/W 194088) (page 166). Modelers
should note that the Plan 3585B, Lot 6123 cars were rebuilt, possibly
around 1937, to Plan 3585F, which removed the vestibule on the
section end of the car, and enlarged the men's room.
10 section lounge, Plan 3521C, Lot 6323, blt 1-30,
10 cars for Chief service: "General ..."
series: Carr, Chaffee, Crook, Hancock, Howard, Hearney, Lawton,
Mills, Schofield, Stoneman. (page 148)
10 section, 2 drawing room, Plan 3584, Lot 4836,
blt 12-24, 20 cars for ATSF service: "Point...."
series: Alexander, Arguello, Barrow, Bell, Bluff, Bonita, Carmel,
Claire, Cooper, Culver, Dale, Delgado, Dover, Dume, Hope, Lobos,
Loma, Reye, Rock, Vincente. (page 154). Plan 3584B, Lot 6284,
blt 9-29, 8 cars for Chief service: "...Peak"
series: Bates, Cabezon, Crossman, Granite, Kendrik, Manzano,
Salinas, Thomson. (p. 159)
8 section, 1 drawing room, 2 compartment: Plan
3979, Lot 6205, blt 10-28, 8 cars for ATSF service: Centcampo,
Centgate, Centlawn, Centloch, Centnome, Centpaulo, Centrange.
(p. 192-3), Plan 3979A, Lot 6283, blt 8-29, 10 cars for Chief
service: Centacre, Centcroft, Centdale, Centello, Centholm,
Centlow, Centosa, Centrock, Centshire, Centwell. (p. 195).
(Centwell, later M/W 194289, located today on Fillmore
& Western Ry, Fillmore, CA).
6 compartment, 3 drawing room: Plan 3523, Lot
4741, blt 12-23, 4 cars for ATSF service: Tennyson, Shakespeare,
Thackery, Scott. (Kratville, pp 48-49). Plan 3523, Lot 4833,
blt 8-24, 4 cars for ATSF: Schubert, (survives at the North
Carolina Tpn Museum, Spencer) Verdi, Rossini, Schuman.
(Kratville, pp 48-49). Plan 3523A, Lot 4922, blt 10-25, 5 cars
for ATSF, "Glen...." series: Island, Rapids,
Stream, Trail, Vista. Plan 3523C, Lot 6290, blt 10-29, 7 cars
for Chief, "Glen..." series" Ewen, Frazier,
Irwin, Karn, Norman, Pool, Rio. (page 153). Modelers should
note that Plans 3523 and 3523A had one drawing room in each end
of the car, one in the middle; Plan 3523C has one drawing room
in one end, two in the middle; both with three compartments toward
either end.
7 compartment, 2 drawing room: Plan 2522, Lot
3941, blt 11-11 for California Ltd service, 6 cars: Cajon,
Cochiti, Jemez, Mescalero, Navajo, Shinumo, for Santa Fe Deluxe:
Vaca, Walpi. (p. 95) Plan 2522A, Lot 4208, blt 9-13 for
California Ltd, 10 cars: Custer, Flagstaff, Gallup,
Larned, Mogollon, Needles, Raton, Sequoyah, Tamalpais, Tehachapi.
(Raton can be found today at the Fillmore & Western
Ry, Fillmore CA)
7 drawing room: Plan 2583, Lot 3940, blt 9-11,
for Santa Fe Deluxe, 2 cars: Pima, Piute. Plan 2583A,
Lot 4209, blt 9-13, for California Ltd, 2 cars: Pampa,
Ponca. Plan 2583B, Lot 4516, blt 11-17, for ATSF service,
2 cars: Pinto, Prado. Plan 2583B, Lot 4621, blt 12-20,
8 cars: Belleau Wood, Montdidier, Rheims, Soissons, Somme,
St. Michiel, St. Quenty, Vimy Ridge. (p. 98) Plan 3583, Lot
4834, blt 12-24 for California Ltd, "Willow..."
series: Bank, Brook, Creek, Glen, Grove, Spring. (p. 153)
3 compartment, 2 drawing room, observation lounge,
Plan 3950D, Lot 4835, blt 10-24, for California Ltd, 10
cars: "Silver...." series: Beach, Bow, Brook,
City, Leaf, Peak, Plue, Springs, Valley. (p. 170)
It is interesting to note how some of these same
cars (particularly those built in the late 1920's-30's) will appear
again in lists of cars assigned to Santa Fe, and later owned by
The following classes of heavyweight Pullman
sleeping cars were assigned to Santa Fe by the Pullman Company,
as listed in Santa Fe Passenger Train Consists, January,10,
1937, Wayner Publications, 1971, pp 33-38. Note that at that
time, all trains except the Super Chief were using heavyweight
cars. Others might be substituted if a given car was bad-ordered,
or additional cars needed to meet extra traffic. However, these
are the ones held by Pullman for specific assignments.
16 section: 4 cars - Eclipse, Emrytra, Kinderhook,
14 section: 7 cars - Cyrus Field, George Stephenson,
Isaac Newton, James Watt, John Stevens, Louis Pasteur, Samuel
12 section, 1 drawing room: 47 cars - Alpland,
Aylsebury, Balzac, Bohemian, Bonsecour, Burland, Bushard, Chatsworth,
East Byars, East Cairo, Elveden, Fort Monroe, Holtenau, Hopatgong,
Ilsesboro, Isolita, Jefferson, McCallum, McCloskey, McConaughy,
McConnico, McDowell, McKell, McMann, McPeek, McRaney, McWade,
Milbank, Napanoch, Oakhill, Ondawa, Orston, Parvin, Prometheus,
Raritan, Red Juniper, Red Mill, Red Oak, Red Pheasant, Red Pine,
Sbago, Sundridge, Torbert, Vandor, Viento, Watanga, Yakima.
10 section , 1 drawing room, 2 compartment: 42
cars: Calzona, Chanute, Cheraw, Dean Lake, Dell Lake, Echo
Lake, Escalon, Fern Lake, Lake Bonaparte, Lake Bryant, Lake Clealum,
Lake Kegonsa, Lake Martha, Lake Moore, Lake Nicaragua, Lake Owen,
Lake Pickett, Lake Pierce, Lake Roland, Lake Sedgwick, Lake Union,
Lake White, Lake Whitney, Lake Winder, Lake Winnipeg, Lake Winthrop,
Lake Worth, Lake Yukon, Lava Lake, Lecompton, Lone Lake, Ludlow,
Moose Lake, Paquita, Pedernal, Portales, Sparks, Spear Lake, Star
Lake, Sublette, Swan Lake, Wildomar.
10 section, 2 drawing room: 38 cars: Antler
Peak, Bald Peak, Bates Peak, Bison Peak, Cabezon Peak, Crossman
Peak, Fremont's Peak, Gothic Peak, Granite Peak, Kendrik Peak
Manzano Peak, Pinnacle Peak, Point Alexander, Point Bluff, Point
Bell, Point Bonita, Point Carmel, Point Claire, Point Cooper,
Point Delgada, Point Detour, Point Dover, Point Dume, Point Edward,
Point Ellis, Point Hope, Point Loma, Point Reyes, Point Rock,
Point Tarrant, Pyramid Peak, Salinas Peak, Spanish Peaks, Storm
Peak, Summit Peak, Tompson Peak, Wheeler Peak, Yount Peak.
10 section lounge: 9 cars: General...Carr,
Chaffee, Crook, Howard, Kearney, Lawton, Mills, Schofield, Stoneman.
10 section, observation: 11 cars: Mt. Bolivar,
Mt. Breckenridge, Mt. King, Mt. Ord, Mt. Taylor, Mt. Chauvenet,
Mt. Hillgard, Capitol Heights, Capitol Park, Montcalm, Monte Cristo.
8 section, 5 double bedroom: 1 car - Clover
Knoll, for first heavyweight Super Chief.
8 section, 1 drawing room, 2 compartment: 28 cars:
Centacre, Centamia, Centanda, Centarch, Centash, Centaya, Centcamp,
Centdale, Centello, Centgate, Centholm, Centlawn, Centlea, Centloch,
Centlow, Centnome, Centoak, Centosa, Centpaulo, Centquora,Centrail,Centrange,Centrock,
Centshire, Centsylvia, Centwell, Laurel Valley, Laurel Wood.
3 compartment, 2 compartment, observation: 13
cars: "Crystal.....": Bay, Bluff Brook, Gorge,
Mount, Point, Ridge. "Silver...": Beach,
Brook, City, Leave, Peak, Plume.
6 compartment, 3 drawing room: 12 cars: "Glen"
series: Beach, Crest, Delta, Ewen, Forge, Irwin, Karn, Norman,
Pool, Rio, Roberts, Terrace.
7 drawing room: 2 cars: Willow Glade, Willow
Range (neither assigned to a specific train.)
16 section tourist cars: 49 cars assigned, numbers:
4073-4097, 4142-4144, 4061, 4064-66, 4168, 4170, 4173, 4175, 4178-80,
4186, 4188, 4191, 4193, 4223-28. By September 1, 1942, 4080, 4081,
4090-93, 4143, 4146, 4428 were cars assigned for Scout
service, probably all in the two-tone grey color.
14 section tourist cars: 9 cars assigned: 3038-46.
By Sept 1, 1942, additional cars assigned for Scout service:
3077-78, 3098-3117 (21 additional cars), probably all in two-tone
grey color.
Some railroads had assigned Pullmans painted
in specific colors to match other railroad passenger cars (such
as Milwaukee Road or Pennsylvania). Starting in 1938 Scout
tourist cars and other heavyweight cars received the two-tone
grey color (plus the Scout plaques), rather than the usual
Pullman green used by most Pullmans in Santa Fe service. Consult
pictures for specific cars.
In 1948 with the break-up of the Pullman Company
monopoly of both building, owning, and operating cars, many heavyweight
Pullman sleepers became Santa Fe owned and "leased to Pullman"
for operation. A Quarter Century of Santa Fe Consists,
Fred W. Frailey, RPC Publications, 1974, pp 206-207, lists Pullmans
belonging to Santa Fe as of 1948 and 1953. Others were assigned
from time to time as needed from the remaining Pullman pool of
8 section, 1 drawing room, 2 compartment: ("Cent..."
series,), all Plan 3979A:
Lot 6205, blt 10-28: Centamia, Centanda, Centarch, Centash,
Centaya, Centgate, Centlawn, Centlea, Centloch, Centnome, Centoak,
Centpaulo, Centquora, Centrail, Centrange, Centsylvania.
Lot 6283, blt 8-29: Centacre, Centdale, Centholm, Centlow,
Centosa, Centrock, Centshire, Centwell (later M/W 194287)
Lot 6359, blt 4-30: Laurel Valley, Laurel Wood
14 section: Plan 3958
Lot 6054, blt 3-27: John Stevens (later M/W 194056), George
Lot 6012, blt 10-26: Samuel Bard, Cyrus Field (later Dorm
1306), Isaac Newton, Louis Pasteur, James Watt (later Dorm
1307, now in El Paso TX, SW Chapter, R&LHS)
6 compartment, 3 drawing room:
Plan 3523B, Lot 6044, blt 5-27: Oconomowoc, Okauchee
Plan 3523C, Lot 6182, blt 8-28: Glen Beach, Glem Terrace
Plan 3523C, Lot 6290, blt 10-29: Glen Delta, Glen Ewen, Glen
Forge, Glen Frazer
10 section,1 drawing room, 2 compartment: Plan
3585B, Lot 6123, blt 11-27 Dean Lake, Dell Lake, Echo Lake,
Fern Lake, Lava Lake, Lone Lake, Moose Lake, Spear Lake
(M/W 194087), Star Lake, Swan Lake (M/W 194088). These
cars rebuilt around 1937 to Plan 3585F, with vestibule on men's
room end removed, men's room enlarged.
10 section, 2 drawing room: All these cars purchased
by Santa Fe in 1953, converted to coaches (number in parenthesis),
no change of external appearance. Plan 3584, Lot 4836, blt 12-24;
Point Bonita (1131), Point Cooper (1137), Point
Delgada (1138), Point Dume (1139), Point Loma
(1140), Point Reyes (1141).
Plan 3584A, Lot 4961, blt 4-26: Point Ellis ( 1132)
Plan 3584A, Lot 6031, blt 12-26: Antler Peak (1135), Bison
Peak (1137), Fremont's Peak (1128), Gothic Peak
(1129, later M/W), Pinnacle Peak (1130), Spanish Peaks
(1133), Storm Peak (1134).
Plan 3584B, Lot 6213, 12-28: Yount Peak (1136)
Plan 3584B, Lot 6284, blt 10-29: Bates Peak (1126)
10 section lounge: Plan 3521C, Lot 6323, blt 1-30,
converted to coaches in 1953 (number in parenthesis), no external
change of appearance. "General...." series: Carr
(1162), Chaffee (1158), Crook (1156), Hancock
(1157), Howard (1155), Kearney (1161), Lawton
(1159), Mills (1160), Schofield (1163), Stoneman
6 section, drawing room, four double bedroom,
Plan 4092, rblt 4 to 6-40 -- Attakapa Tribe (x- Crossman
Peak, later M/W 198621), Choctaw Tribe (x-Manzano Peak),
Comanche Tribe (x- Granite Peak), Hopi Tribe
(x-Kendrick Peak), Kaw Tribe (x-Point Alexander),
Kiowa Tribe (x-Point Edward), Shoshone Tribe
(x-Point Tarrant).
By 1950 heavyweight Pullmans were being used
mostly on secondary trains, and hence few photos show them in
post-war service. By 1955 the January Santa Fe timetable listed
only one assigned heavyweight, a 12-1 operating between Dallas
and Oklahoma City. About the last stand of heavyweight cars on
the Santa Fe was in troop train service to and from California
during the Korean War, with some showing up in photos taken at
that time.
By May 1961 the only heavyweight Pullmans on
Santa Fe's passenger roster were the six Tribe cars (Attakapa
Tribe had apparently already gone into M/W service), and these
six were soon to be sold for service in Mexico, where at one time
I saw one on the rear end of the Ojinaga--Los Mochis train, deadheading
to Chiuahua in the early 1970's.
In the post-World War II period many older heavyweight
Pullmans were assigned to maintenance of way service, often used
as crew sleepers, kitchen cars, and other such use. Most familiar
to me were those in such service as Newton's wreck train. In the
early 60's, many heavyweights were sent to scrap yards. A few
of the older ones survived in M/W service, along with a few from
the late 20's and early 30's. These M/W cars that were not scrapped
have turned out to be the principal source of Santa Fe heavyweight
Pullmans sought for preservation. Even this source is now mostly
gone, since most all railroads have long since gotten rid of M/W
cars altogether.
Raton, 7 compartment 2 drawing room, blt
1913 for California Ltd service, located in Fillmore CA
on the Fillmore and Western Ry. (*)
El Quivira, 10 section observation lounge,
blt 10-13, for California Ltd service, rebuilt in 1935
as Lotos Club, Plan 4025D, 8 section restaurant lounge,
located at the Pennsylvania Railroad Museum in Strasburg PA (*)
The following belonged to Santa Fe:
James Watt, 14 section, blt 10-16, 12-48
to ATSF, later to dormitory car 1307, later M/W 194298 in LaJunta
wreck service, now owned by SW Chapter, R&LHS, at Phelps Dodge
Copper Refinery, El Paso TX
Bison Peak, 10 section 2 drawing room,
blt 12-26, 5-53 to ATSF, to coach 1129, to M/W 194284, at Orange
Empire Museum, Perris CA (*)
Gothic Peak, 10 section 2 drawing rooms,
blt 12-26, 5-53 to ATSF, to coach 1127, to M/W 194286, located
on Golden Gate RR Museum, Redwood City CA,
Centwell, 8 section, drawing room, 2 compartment,
blt 8-29 for Chief service; 12-48 to ATSF. to M/W 194289, located
on Fillmore & Western, Fillmore CA. (*)
(*) - seen and photographed by the author.
If there are other surviving Santa Fe heavyweight
Pullmans, please let me know about them. It is possible that there
might be some in Mexico, as six of the Tribe series cars
went to the Chihuahua el Pacifico. I would like to obtain locations
and pictures of any other survivors.
Please notify Herman
Page with any additions or corrections to this material.
One source of heavyweight is to locate some of
the old Walthers Santa Fe series cars, another series included
several heavyweight Pullmans, including the 6 compartment 3 drawing
room, 16 section, 12 section drawing room, 14 section, and others.
These can be found occasionally at swap meets. The sides are a
little crude compared to today's standards, but they can make
satisfactory models.
Anouther source is the 1970's era brass Pullman
cars imported by Lambert. The cost then was reasonable; even now
they are usually available used for considerably less than the
more detailed cars now being issued. Lambert heavyweights included
the 8 section 1 drawing room 2 compartment, 12 section 1 drawing
room, 6 compartment 3 drawing room, and two observation cars:
10 section observation, and 3 compartment 2 drawing room observation.
I have several of these, and with Central Valley six-wheel trucks,
interior detailing, and paint and decals, these cars look and
operate well. Note that the Lambert 6-3 is Plan 3523 or 3523A,
hence these are only appropriate to model Santa Fe cars Oconomowoc
or Okauchee.
Of greater interest for the history of HO model
railroading are the old "J-C Silversides" kits that
came out in the late 40's, one of which was a 12-1 sleeper. I
have two of these cars, one of which I have modified some to fit
ATSF practice as much as possible. Considering that I got the
car in 1948, it is an interesting modeling artifact, and the reader
might find one at a swap meet.
Most of my kitbashed heavyweight are AHM - Rivarossi
12-1 kitbashes. There have been a number of articles in recent
model magazines on how to rebuild these cars into various configurations,
so I don't need to repeat it here. Since I first started doing
these cars, the parts from New England Rail Service have become
available, and are very useful. They make a series of different
window castings which can replace the 12-1 windows. Also, air
conditioning ducts, various underbody details, door replacement,
and other parts can all be obtained. NERS has talked about doing
the parts needed for Santa Fe's steam ejector air-conditioning
systems, but I do not know if these are available yet.
Check the series of car you are considering modeling
with pictures and plans, since there was also variation among
them, for example the 6-3 cars had different locations for the
drawing rooms, and the 10-1-2 cars were single vestibule on some
series of cars. Check also for the location of the steam ejector
A/C parts on the roofs. These were usually located over the men's
room in the section cars, and varied in the all-room or sleeper-lounge
Since my first edition of this study, Bachmann
has come out with their HO Pullman, advertised as a "Lake"
series 10 section, drawing room, 2 compartment car. Unfortunately
it is not that plan but a 10 section, 1 drawing room, 2 double
bedroom car, Plan 4074, rebuilt from 10 section 2 drawing room
cars. Twelve of these cars were rebuilt into the "Scenic"
series, another 17 into a series named for individuals. Most ended
up on eastern or southern railroads, but none was ever assigned
to Santa Fe or owned by them. Some might have been used in pool
service, hence such a car repainted into Pullman green and lettered
Pullman might have appeared occasionally on the Santa Fe.
These Plan 4074 models are a good job, and I
kit-bashed one into a 10 section restaurant car, but their roofs
are molded including air conditioning ducts, so they have only
a limited use for kitbashing. Also, these cars come with a vestibule
on only one end. Consult pictures and plans for other possible
kit-bashing of the Bachmann Pullman.
It is important to have at least a minimum of
interior detailing in your Pullman cars. A piece of plastic or
cardboard should enclose the restroom and sleeping room parts,
so you don't look through the model at these places. AHM/Rivarossi
produces a plastic molded interior insert for their 12-1, and
I have cut these up into a number of different configurations
of cars. The walls and seats can be painted up, and add window
shades and glazed windows in the toilet rooms. If you make the
roof easily removable, lots of detailing is possible.
I also like to remove cast-on handrails and strap
steps, and replace them with wire or formed steps, along with
ladder rests on the roof. Detailing the roof is very useful, since
more people tend to see the roofs of models more than the underside.
A Santa Fe modeler might wish to consider kit-bashing
a heavyweight Pullman into a maintenance of way car converted
by the railroad from a Pullman. It would be important to know
what the original configuration was, then build to that plan,
then plate over windows that were closed for M/W service, adding
vents and stacks. Consult the picture of specific cars, as the
alterations varied considerably. Cars can be painted silver color
and lettered with black decals.
Another variation might be to reconfigure a 16
secion Pullman into Santa Fe's Territorial Centennial exhibition
car, #5006. (See Santa Fe Diesels and Cars, Wayner, P.
A different kind of rebuilt is the George
M. Pullman, often assigned to the Chief as a back-up observation
lounge in the immediate post World War II period. The Pullman
is not strictly speaking a heavyweight, being built as an early
expermient with lighter materials. But it LOOKS like a heavyweight,
especially later with its use with 6 sheel trucks. Interior accommodations
included a drawing room, compartment, and 3 double bedrooms, observation
lounge, all of traditional heavyweight design. Plans and pictures
of the Pullman can be found in Official Pullman Standard Library,
Vol. 16, Randall & Anderson, RPC Publications, pp 3-15.
Warning: this is NOT an easy conversion!
Mainline Modeler produced a series of
plans of many cars used on the Santa Fe, and I will list some
of them. Good plans are essential to get a good conversion. Plans
include: 14 section tourist, Plan 4061, May-June '81; 14 section,
Plan 3985, August '84; 10-1-2, Plan 3585, March '85; 10-2, Plan
3584, October '85; 8 section 5 bedroom, Plan 4036, April '86;
16 section, Plan 2412, June '86; 8-1-2, Plan 3979, August '86;
12-1, Plan 3410, May '86; 7 drawing room, Plan 3583A, Feb. '87;
6 comp 3 DR, Plan 3523, October '84.
Plans for the following are not included in Mainline
Modeler, but small drawings and/or photos can be found in
Kratville's Passenger Car Catalog: 3-2 observation, p.
80; 10 sec obs, p. 75; 10 sec lounge, p. 75; 6-1-4 Tribe series,
p. 66.
Railroad Model Craftsman, April 1995,
had a good article on passenger car underbody detailing, pp. 77-82.
Santa Fe Modeler, 1st quarter, 1987, pp 10-13, article
and drawings by Jay Miller on the steam ejector A/C used on Santa
Fe heavyweight cars including Pullmans.
A good source for prototype heavyweight Pullman
builder's photos is the Arthur Dubin collection, located in the
Illinois State Library in Springfield, IL. I have visited there
and looked at many Pullman photos. Some photos were not of a specific
Santa Fe owned or assigned car, but many were of a car from the
same Pullman plan and lot number as a Santa Fe Pullman. I obtained
photos of both sides of a tourist car conversion: a 12-1 standard
Pullman sleeper into a 14 section tourist sleeper, assigned to
and painted in Santa Fe colors, of a type used in the Scout. It
was a great help in kitbashing that car from a 12-1 plastic body.
The Smithsonian in Washington DC also has a catalog of many Pullman
builder's photos.
Passenger Car Catalog, Pullman operated
equipment 1912-1949, Kratville Publications, Omaha, 1968
Complete Roster of Heavyweight Pullman Cars,
Wayner Publications, New York, 1985
A Quarter Century of Santa Fe Consists,
Fred W. Frailey, RPC Publications, Godfrey, IL 1974.
Santa Fe Diesels and Cars, Wayner Publications,
New York, 1974
Pullman & Private Car Pictorial, Wayner
Publications, New York (undated)
(Latter two useful for pictures of various Santa Fe heavyweight
Best of Mainline Modeler's Passenger Cars,
Vol. 1, Phoenix Publishing, Friday Harbor WA, 1991; reprints
of articles on kitbashing Pullmans, plans of several cars.
Santa Fe Modeler articles on Scout cars
(11-12/82, 4th Q 1991)
Santa Fe Route (the original ATSF Historical
Society), Vol V, 11 and 12; 2 part article on the California Limited,
Wm. K. Walthers, Passenger Car Plans, 1969;
drawings of various cars. Details are rather crude by today's
standards, but shows layout of interiors of many Pullmans.
Santa Fe passenger timetables, Official Railway
Guides for information on specific trains at different periods,
consists, car types.