The west side of the depot, 1950. Walter Anderson Photo. |
The south (track) side of the depot, 1952. Scott Thomas
Collection. |
The southwest corner of the depot, 1990. Evan Werkema Photo. |
The southeast corner of the depot. Richard Hitchcock photo. |
The east end of the depot. Scott Thomas Collection. |
The east side of the depot. Evan Werkema Photo. |
The north side of the depot (rear), 1978. Walter Anderson
Photo. |
The north side of the depot (rear). Scott Thomas Photo. |
The west end of the depot. Scott Thomas Collection. |
The west end of the depot. Evan Werkema Photo. |
#12 The Chicagoan arrives, July, 1954. Walter Anderson
Photo. |
The depot burns, August 9, 1999. Scott Thomas Photo |
After the fire, 1999. Scott Thomas Photo. |
This 1935 photo shows the southeast corner of the building
with the Harvey House just to the east side and the covered
platform. Walter Anderson Collection. |
Much later, the Harvey House is gone and the depot windows
covered. Walter Anderson Collection.
The covered platform with the last depot, an AmShack.
Scott Thomas Photo |
Today's depot. Scott Thomas Photo. |