1977 CLIC
The Elm Street Elevator Track served Teichgraeber
Milling Company according to the 1977 click book. It had 5
spots: molasses, 2 box unloading, hopper unloading, and a spout.
By 1983, it had become Irsik & Doll and consisted of
door, hose, open, door, pit, spout. This is the large concrete
elevator above and was built in several stages. The rectangular
feed mill was the last constructed.
Penny Ready Mix was served off of the tail
track which originally served the Freight House. They had two
pits, one for sand and one for cement. By 1983, Penny had added
a warehouse with 2 doors on Freight House track #7 where Teichgraeber
Fertilizer was once unloaded.
Teichgraeber Fertilizer unloaded supplies
on Freight House track #7 using portable equipment. In 1977 they
had 3 spots: Tank unloading and 2 hoppers. By 1983 they had become
Irsik and Doll with a hose, open, and auger.
Lyon Co. REA was the third occupant of
Freight House track #7. This was a pole and transformer yard for
the Rural Electric Association.
By 2001, only the Elm Street elevator and Penny's
cement operation remained. The warehouse is abandoned and everything
else is gone.