About the Santa Fe Historical Society

Emporia: My Questions

This Emporia site is constructed from Houston, TX, with the help of lots of internet friends. However, there are many questions I would like to have answered and many photos I would like to obtain. If you can help, here are some.

Consists: can anyone provide consist information for trains through Emporia at any timeframe?

Yard photos: Wide angle sharp yard photos reveal a lot about the cars which frequented Emporia. Do you have any?

Photos of the north side of the Depot, additional photos of the freight depot, eastern views of the Harvey House.

When was the Harvey House out of operation, and when torn down?

Photos of any of the industries in Emporia.

Any information about the quantity and types of cars handled at various industries: what came in, what went out, in what type of car, ATSF or foreign road, how many and how often.

Dates: when was the Interstate Lead added, when did the various industries change hands, when were major structural changes made to the appearance of those industries? What does Fleetwood make and what does/did it ship in and out?

Anything about Emporia Cold Storage. Did they have a downtown location? Where was it? Did they have a dock? Was their primary work icing cars for Armour?

Anything about Armour's operation. Did they receive local cattle? What did their facility look like before IBP tore it down and rebuilt? What were their earlier track plans? Who did their icing?

What went in and out the of Penny warehouse?

Anything about Fanestil Packing. Did they have a stock yard of their own?

Anything detailed about the operation of the ATSF cattle feeding station. Did virtually every mainline freight with stock cars stop here. Can anyone inform us about the cleaning of stock cars and the transporting of waste, sand, and hay for the stock operation?

Thanks for all the help in assembling a practical site designed to assist modelers and to describe operations.

Steve Sandifer, compiler

My Sources

Society Info Society Convention On-Line Resources Company StoreThe Warbonnet Guest Book Santa Fe Links
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